*In an effort to keep costs down, canvas prints are shipped straight from the vendor to the customer.
*Shipping times may vary. I use a 3rd party vendor for some images and occasionally issues do arise.
Please allow: 3 to 4 weeks for canvas prints.
2 to 3 weeks for matted prints.
Several minutes for digital prints.
*All image dimensions are in inches.
*Cropping and ratios: There are several ratios for images (*2 to 3, *3 to 4, *2 to 1, *3 to 1)
*By default, my camera takes pictures at a 2 to 3 ratio. This means one side of the picture
is 2x a given measurement and the other side is 3x that same measurement. For example,
a 12x18 picture is a 2 to 3 ratio. 6 is the multiplier. One side is 2x6" and the other side is 3x6".
*2 to 3 Ratio sizes are: 12x18, 16x24, 20x30, 24x36, 32x48, 40x60.
*3 to 4 Ratio sizes are: 9x12, 12x16, 18x24, 24x32, 30x40
*2 to 1 Ratio sizes are: 10x20, 24x48, 30x60
*3 to 1 Ratio sizes are: 12x36, 16x48, 20x60
*Not all images work well with different ratios. **This is especially important when purchasing a digital image.
​ If you purchase a digital image, make sure the ratio of the image is the same as the product you're printing.
Jason Bradshaw and/or Jason Bradshaw Wildlife Photography is not responsible for digital images printed
with incorrect dimensions.
If you're unsure, please feel free to contact me!! or 540-424-2717